Stefan Haas

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft

I am a Senior Software Engineer working at Microsoft. I live in Austria and I am passionate about frontend tooling and monorepos. I am a big fan of Angular and TypeScript. Outside of work, I am a husband and father of two.

I care about developer experience and making the life of developers easier. The frontend ecosystem excites me, as it is constantly evolving. I am always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge with others. As a writer and author of technical blog posts, I enjoy exploring ideas and sharing them with the dev community.




Satisfied Clients

Professional Experience

10/2024 - todayMicrosoft
Senior Software Engineer

Working on frontend tooling and monorepos...

01/2024 - 09/2024Blockpit AG
Senior Frontend Developer

Working on the Blockpit platform, a tax reporting tool for cryptocurrencies. I am responsible for the frontend architecture and the development of new features. Shipped a new mobile app using Capacitor.

09/2022 - 09/2024Self-employed
Frontend Consultant / Freelancer

Worked as a frontend consultant and freelancer on various projects. Worked on frontend architecture, monorepos, and developer experience. Gave talks and workshops focusing on Nx and Angular and scalable frontends in general.

10/2021 - 11/2022L'AMIE direkt GmbH
Fullstack Developer

Lead the development of multiple frontends for an embedded insurance CRM. Worked on the backend in .NET and Azure on a micro-service-based architecture.

07/2020 - 09/2021Hermes Software GmbH
.NET Developer

Worked on a progressive web app for self-scan-and-go solutions in the point-of-sale software industry. Worked on traditional desktop applications for point-of-sale.

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